How to make a Purchase

  1. Browse the store’s Vault to view our range of products.
  2. Click on the image of the product you desire to know more about it.
  3. To purchase a product, enter the Quantity and click the “Add to Bag” to add it to your shopping cart.
  4. Repeat the steps for all additional products you wish to purchase.
  5. When ready to purchase, click on ‘Shopping Cart.
  6. Review the products, quantities and recommended products you may also like.
  7. After reading our Terms and Conditions please click the check box and click “Checkout”.
  8. You can register an account for your convenience and your details will be retained for future orders.
  9. Choose a Delivery Method and enter your Shipping Address.
  10. We accept VISA, Mastercard and American Express credit and debit cards. If you are outside the UK, place your order and your credit card company will convert the transaction to your local currency.
  11. Enter your Billing Address if different from your Shipping Address and click the “Continue” button.
  12. You will be redirected to our secure payment gateway where you can fill in your credit or debit card details. Your details are encrypted using industry standard SSL encryption.
  13. When you have reviewed the information please click the “Pay Now” button to complete your purchase.